Mr.& Mrs. Aaron Perry

Mr.& Mrs. Aaron Perry

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wipe Covers

Today I made a wipe cover for my friend Jess to replace the one she misplaced.  These are fun to do and very simple.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My 1st DIY project

My mother-in-law bought us this dining room table set which I really liked except the fabric on the chairs.  I've been waiting to find the right fabric to redo someday and I finally found it!


Step One:
 measure the fabric to fit the cushion

Step Two:
pull fabric up on from the front and the back and staple in place

Step Three:
gather the fabric in the corners so its tight and staple it in place

Step Four:
Secure the cushion back to the chair frame


This project was really easy and fun. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A life changer!

Glad to announce the birth of our daughter:
Emma Beth Morgan Perry
Born: June 21,2011
Time: 1:55am
8lbs 20 inches