Mr.& Mrs. Aaron Perry

Mr.& Mrs. Aaron Perry

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Well Clay, Jess, and baby Hugh Himmelberger came to visit me with my sister Heidi.  I had no idea that they were coming.  It was a total surprise.  Unfortenately I only have one photo to prove that they were hear.  Well actually maybe two or three.  The boys made us breakfast which has been a friend tradition for the last three years. (Heid and I celebrate our birthdays on December 9th and Jess's is on the 10th)  The boys like to collaborate.  It was awesome.  I loved having them here.

We are toasting to our birthdays! (Eggnog & OJ)

Very nice!!!  It tasted very good too.

Baby Hugh on his playmat, I was trying to get his adorable smiles...

This past week we've been looking at some houses but haven't found anything yet.  We have 2 on this Friday that we are going to see.  Maybe something will come out of these. 

Yesterday the Olympic torch for Vancouver 2010 came through Brockville, ON.  It was such an event.  We got some items to help cheer when the runners came in and we got some pretty neat cokes. 
Here are some photos from the Olympic Torch:

The Vancouver 2010 Bus.  It transports the runners from stop to stop. (When they are not running it of course)

Aaron and I waiting for the torch.

The crowd starting to gather!

The coke Zambonie...they passed out pennents and coke bottles.

Aaron got me a bottle and then I went over after the mob died down a bit.

Coke truck doing the coke cheer...GO Canada GO!!

If you look hard enough you can see the flame.  I was trying to get a photo as they passed but they were running and it proved to be a bit difficult.

This is me with Alissa Simpson.  She was the torchbearer through Brockville, ON.

It was a really neat experience.  I bet I was the only American there!!! ha.  I think I fit in just fine.  I even know the Athem and sang right along..even in french!!

Christmas Lane information will come later...I am hoping to get some photos up first.

Stay tuned...

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